Inheritance And Mapping Of Ascochyta Blight Resistance Derived From Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Cultivar 'PBG 7'
Manisha Rani
Inheritance And Mapping Of Ascochyta Blight Resistance Derived From Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Cultivar 'PBG 7' - Ludhiana PAU 2023 - 65p.
Bulk Segregant Analysis,Intraspecific Population,,Epistatic Interaction,Ascochyta Blight,Chickpea,SNP based KASP Markers
T 635.657 M11I
Inheritance And Mapping Of Ascochyta Blight Resistance Derived From Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Cultivar 'PBG 7' - Ludhiana PAU 2023 - 65p.
Bulk Segregant Analysis,Intraspecific Population,,Epistatic Interaction,Ascochyta Blight,Chickpea,SNP based KASP Markers
T 635.657 M11I