Exploring Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)var. grossum) Germplasm For Resistance Against Leaf Curl Virus And Root Knot Nematodes
Exploring Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)var. grossum) Germplasm For Resistance Against Leaf Curl Virus And Root Knot Nematodes - Ludhiana PAU 2023 - 156p.
Bell Pepper,leaf curl Virus,Root Knot Nematode, GGE Biplot
T 633.84 B78E
Exploring Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)var. grossum) Germplasm For Resistance Against Leaf Curl Virus And Root Knot Nematodes - Ludhiana PAU 2023 - 156p.
Bell Pepper,leaf curl Virus,Root Knot Nematode, GGE Biplot
T 633.84 B78E